Augusta Senior College Fall Lecture Series will take you on a new FREE adventure every week. UMASC is offering a series of 10 lectures on Tuesday afternoons at 1:00 PM. Sign up once and attend as many

presentations as you like in-person or on Zoom. UMASC's first adventure will kick-off Tuesday, September 17th with Henry the Navigator, A brief presentation of the history of the exploration of the New World by Elizabeth Champeon.
For more information about our offerings, click: “2024 Fall Classes & Lectures.”
Choose a class.
To sign up for a class, click on "Add to Cart," then "View Cart"—right next to “Add to Cart.”
Next, click on "Proceed to Checkout."
Fill out the "Billing Details." Even though no Senior College membership or fee is required for members of other Senior Colleges, please fill out the billing details.
If you have selected a Zoom class, you will receive a weekly invitation to Zoom lectures.
Members of other Senior Colleges, please include your Senior College’s name on the checkout page under “Additional Information.”
Finally, click on "Place Order."
You will receive an email confirming your registration.
For more information or help, call the UMASC office: at 207-621-3551 or email: Emails often receive the quickest response because they are instantly distributed to the staff at home.