Philosophy: As citizens turn increasingly to electronic sources of learning and communication, it becomes essential that they learn to critically evaluate the flow of information to which they are continually exposed.
Dr. John Patrick Cleary will guide us on how different branches of Philosophy can assist in interpreting reality and truth and how questions that originate from reflective/contemplative thinking can help us in furthering our self-knowledge.
Dr. John Patrick Cleary has taught students of all backgrounds, ages and abilities. He received his doctoral degree in Pedagogy and Philosophy from The Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children at Montclair State University. He is currently adjunct Professor of Philosophy at Beal University.
Class Information: Scheduled for Friday, May 3rd at 1PM, this is a hybrid class - held in-person in UM@M’s room Science 102 and via Zoom. What is Philosophy? – Sunrise Senior College (
Sunrise Senior College, Machias ME