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Visit Newfoundland with Cheryl and Louis!

Join Louis and Cheryl Fontaine and their friends on Tuesday, February 28, and Thursday, March 2, to visit Newfoundland. They completed a “bucket list” trip to western Newfoundland this past August. Like them, you will surely be drawn to this beautiful province by its scenery, geology, and the unique natural settings of Gros Morne National Park and the Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site.

Their two-part presentation will cover their 18-day adventure from Maine via two ferry routes and 3,000 miles of road to Port aux Basque, Newfoundland, through Gros Morne National Park, all the way up to the Viking colony site at L’Anse aux Meadows, and back. They will share with you the immense beauty of the island, some of the geologic history, unique natural settings, past cultural history, the impact of global warming, loss of the cod fisheries, and stories of how the warm and wonderful people live their lives on the island today.

The UMASC Winter Lecture Series is free and open to all, so feel free to invite friends and family members! But you must register in order to attend.

All lectures will be presented via Zoom.

When you select this series, you may attend as many lectures as you please.

Each week, prior to the lecture, you will receive an email with your Zoom invitation.

Lectures are offered on Tuesdays at 1:00 pm, plus one additional lecture on Thursday, March 2, at 1:00 pm. Click here to see more information about each lecture and the presenters. Tuesday, Feb. 28 Journey to Newfoundland (part 1) with Cheryl & Louis Fontaine Thursday, Mar. 2 Journey to Newfoundland (part 2) with Cheryl & Louis Fontaine Tuesday, Mar. 7 Maine’s Angel of Bataan with Walter MacDougall

How to register for classes:

Click on the following link to the Winter Lecture Series page.

Click on the blue “Add to Cart” button.

Next, click on the blue “View Cart” button.

Ignore the part about adding membership and go to the bottom of the page. Then, click on the blue “Proceed to Checkout” button.

Fill in the required information.

You will notice a box under “Additional Information.” Write the name of your senior college here (if you are a senior college member).

Click on “Place Order.”

You are registered! You will receive an email confirming your registration. Just ignore the page that comes up requesting payment.

For more information, call the UMASC office: 207-621-3551 or email: Emails often receive the quickest response because they are instantly distributed to the staff at home.

Photo: The Long Range Mountains on Newfoundland's west coast are the northernmost extension of the Appalachian Mountains

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International;

Newfoundland and Labrador. (2023, February 13). In Wikipedia.

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