June 22 - July 27: Tuesday Afternoons 12:45 - 2:45 (6 sessions)
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Southern Maine will host a 6-week course on the possible results of Global Warming.
Meet your instructor, Richard Fortier, in this video:
Course Description
Through a PowerPoint presentation and class discussion, we will study how the rise of humanity has led to widespread resource depletion, habitat degradation, climate change, and today’s alarming extinction rates. Will the geologic age of humanity known as the Anthropocene lead to apocalyptic consequences as explored in The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells? Will a crowded over-heated planet lead to drought, famine, widespread human migration, unrest, financial collapse, and wars? Will population density and worldwide transport of invasive species and new germs cause pandemics and plagues (87)?
Suggested Books
The Uninhabitable Earth—Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells, ISBN 978-0-525-57670-9
The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert, 978-0-300-23217-2
About the Instructor
Dr. Fortier received his BS in biology at Yale in 1969, concentrating on zoology, paleontology, and evolution. Other interests included anthropology and religious studies. Following medical school and internship, he practiced psychiatry for 40 years. He has presented senior college courses entitled Earth, Evolution, and Extinction and Planet of the Humans.
To Register
Please complete our Registration Form and email it to olliatusm@maine.edu.
Be sure to:
Mention that you are a member of a Maine Senior College
Select alternate courses/workshops as we cannot guarantee your desired course will have open seats when MSCN registration begins.
Email olliatusm@maine.edu if you have any questions.