Please visit Senior College at Belfast's Winterim Course Offerings for more details and registration. (Note three classes are full, but there are still spaces left in other classes and presentations.)
Join these two sessions at the start of the week!
Maine Cheese! An Underappreciated History
1 session, 12pm to 1:30 pm, Monday, January 11th. ($10)
Eliot Porter's Bird Photography
1 session, 10 am-11:30 am, Tuesday, January 12. ($10)
Visit the Winterim Course Offerings to learn more about the following courses and presentations.
The Spiritual Life of Lincoln and the Idea of America
Introduction to Permaculture: Design for Life
Living Well for Better Health
Living Well with Chronic Pain
Never Thought I Would Write Poetry
Out-of-the-Ordinary Films about War
Watersheds of Waldo
Writing Through the Genres
What Is Happening To Northern Climates?
Brown Bag Lunch: Belfast’s Climate Crisis Committee’s Ongoing Efforts
Starting A Backyard Orchard
The Biology of Aging