The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Southern Maine is excited to open registration to Maine Senior College Network members on December 15, 2021.
The OLLI Winter 2022 session will be entirely online. Courses run from January 11 to February 17 and are open to anyone who has paid dues with an MSCN associated senior college.
To Register
Please complete our Registration Form and email it to
Be sure to:
Mention that you are a member of a Maine Senior College
Select alternate courses/workshops as we cannot guarantee your desired course will have open seats when MSCN registration begins.
Email if you have any questions.
Open Course List
Below you will find a list of OLLI courses & workshops with open seats. Page numbers refer to the description location in the OLLI Winter 2022 Catalog.
Registration begins December 15, but you may send us your requested courses to before then.
Dates: January 11 - February 14
Times: 12:45 - 2:45 p.m.
The Era of National Prohibition: A Retrospective with Tom Lafavore (History, page 20) | $50
Prison Films with Irwin Novak & Mary Snell (Films, page 16) | $50
Dates: January 12 - February 15
Times: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
The Sixties Through the Great Speeches of the Sixties with Buck Benedict (History, page 19) | $50
Brief Peeks Beyond, Part 2 with Steve Kercel (Science, page 22) |$50
Energy: What Is It & How Do We Use It? with David von Seggern (Science, page 23) | $50
Retirement Recap with Kerry Peabody (Personal Finance, page 18) | $50
Times: 12:45 - 2:45 p.m.
Wholehearted Living While Aging with Joan Chadbourne (Self Knowledge & Care, page 24) | $50
Selling on for Fun & Profit with Barbara Rich (Art, page 15) | $50
Dates: January 13 - February 16
Times: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
America from Good Feeling to Civil War with Alicia Harding (History, page 19) | $50
1960s: The Loss of Innocence with Lorraine Masure (History, page 20) | $50
Another Good Yarn: Knitting Across Maine with Helen Pelletier (Art, page 15) | $50
Times: 12:45 - 2:45 p.m.
Pop Music of the Roaring Twenties with Terry Foster (Music, page 21) | $50
The As, Bs, Cs, and Ds of Medicare with Barbara Hopkins (Personal Finance, page 18) | $50
Fridays (Workshops)
Date: January 21
Times: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Science of Happiness with Heather Edgerly (Self Knowledge & Care, page 25) | $15
Breathe Easy - Declutter Your Home with Diane Sinclair (Self Knowledge & Care, page 26) | $15
Tax Planning in Retirement with Derek Tharp (Personal Finance, page 18) | $15
Date: January 28
Times: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
The Cliffhangers: Part 9 - Zorro with DeWayn Marzagalli (Films, page 17) | $15
Talk Saves Lives with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (Self Knowledge & Care, page 26) | $15
Retirement Income Planning with Derek Tharp (Personal Finance, page 18) | $15
Anthropocene: The Geologic Epoch You Are Entering in Real Time with David von Seggern (Science/Climate, page 24) | $15
Date: February 4
Times: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Social Security Planning with Derek Tharp (Personal Finance, page 18) | $15
Voice Overs . . . Now is Your Time! with Hannah Trusty (Acting, page 14) | $15
Dates: January 21 - February 4
Times: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Finding Resilience During These Trying Times with Clay Atkinson (Self Knowledge & Care, page 25) | $25
Is Consciousness a Quantum Effect? with Steve Kercel (Science, page 23) | $25