Fall 2021 Workshop, "Living on Earth as if We Want to Stay." This workshop will be held Saturday, September 18, 2021, from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Workshop Description
With human activity pressing against planetary limits, perpetual growth is no longer an appropriate goal. This changing relationship with the Earth requires a different approach to mutual provision (the economy). Time-tested biological processes can secure long-term well-being as society’s economic “metabolism” adapts to our new situation. A glimpse of a future the grandchildren might enjoy can be seen through the precept “More Fun, Less Stuff.”
Hear from the Instructor
Session Fee: $15
Format: lecture, discussion, Zoom
Suggested Book: Life, Money and Illusion; Living on Earth as if We Want to Stay, Mike Nickerson, ISBN 978-0-86571-659-9 (eBook available online)
To Register
Please complete our Registration Form and email it to olliatusm@maine.edu.
Be sure to:
Mention that you are a member of a Maine Senior College
Select alternate courses/workshops as we cannot guarantee your desired course will have open seats when MSCN registration begins.
Email olliatusm@maine.edu if you have any questions.
About the Instructor
Mike Nickerson co-founded the Institute for the Study of Cultural Evolution in 1971. Along with numerous articles, pamphlets, and speaking engagements, he has written three books on the topic. The most inclusive is Life, Money and Illusion; Living on Earth as if We Want to Stay.