It is not too late to register for the UMASC Winter Lecture Series! Visit umasc.org to check out upcoming lectures and register to participate. Sign up once and attend all the programs or only those you choose. These programs are free and open to all, so it’s a wonderful opportunity to introduce others to lifelong learning at UMASC. Forward this email to your friends and invite them to join you!
The first lecture will be this coming Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. Most lectures will be on Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m., but note that there are also two Thursday lectures on the schedule. All lectures will be presented via Zoom.
Tuesday, January 12 Reveille @ 6:15, Pancakes for Breakfast Louis Fontaine
Tuesday, January 19
Ships and the Logistics of Moving Goods Worldwide Larry Wade
Tuesday, January 26 Pathfinder: Phil Crane and the Conservative Revolution Mike Bell
Tuesday, February 2 Tour Through the History of Photography Zachariah Selley
Tuesday, February 9 Food Preservation 101 Deborah Barnett
Tuesday, February 16 and Thursday, February 18 Traveling in South Africa – Parts 1&2 Elizabeth Reinsborough
Tuesday, February 23 Speaking Out Against Hate, Prejudice and Bias David Greenham
Thursday, February 25 Two Jazz Lives: Sonny Clark and Tina Brooks Frank Johnson
Tuesday, March 2 Introduction to Conservation Burial Theresa Kerchner
Tuesday, March 9
Why Don’t the Herring Swim Out of the Weir? Robert Tredwell
Please go to umasc.org for more information.