This Zoom course will explore how taking nutrition seriously would change key ideas about how we understand ourselves and our place in the world.
Some themes: "Forget I am" - We never eat along; "Ethics is hospitality" - who sits at our table tells us who we are; "Authenticity is overrated" - 'I go with my gut' is sheer nonsense - even if the context is nutrition.
Suggested text:
Raymond Boisvert "I Eat; Therefore I Think" Rowman and Littlefield, 2014.
Instructor: Raymond Boisvert
Class begins October 5 and runs for 4 weeks from 1PM to 3PM on ZOOM
Click here to register for "I Eat, Therefore I Think"
Cost is $5 and you must be a member of any senior college.
A link for the class will be emailed to you.
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