Each Friday in July, OLLI will release a video series on meditation. Sign up below to receive an email every Friday with a teaching on meditation and a short practice. This class is FREE to the public.

Course Description
This FREE 4-week course will provide you with the foundations for creating your own meditation practice. It will give the “why” in addition to the “how” of meditation. It is a secular course that will offer pragmatic skills to build your own or deepen your existing, meditation practice. It will satiate both the skeptical and the eager using scientific research and personal narrative. This course will also give you access to guided meditations online to help spark your lifelong inner-learning journey.
Meet Your Instructor

Lizzie Cantey has been practicing meditation for almost 10 years. She saw such a dramatic impact in her life due to meditation that she felt called to become an instructor. In 2018 she underwent a 200-hour course to become a certified meditation and mindfulness instructor, studying under Sarah McLean of the McLean Meditation Institute. Since then, she has continued her own revived practice while now offering courses in her community. She feels passionate about dispelling myths and roadblocks to meditation while offering practical tools to help people curate their own beneficial practice.