Another summer is coming to an end, and fall is right around the corner, bringing cooler temperatures, falling leaves, and UMA Senior College classes!
UMA Senior College Registration Begins September 7 for MSCN-affiliated members!
Our fall programs will include in-person, Zoom, and hybrid offerings.
The session runs from September 19 to November 18.
UMASC classes and lectures are free to anyone paying dues with an MSCN-associated senior college.
If you select the lecture series, you may attend as many of the lectures as you please.
Each week, prior to the lecture, you will receive an email with your Zoom invitation.
You may attend in person or on Zoom.
Since classes are free, students will be responsible for purchasing any books and/or materials required for a class.
How to Register for Classes
Select your class on our fall class page.
Click on "Learn more" to access information about instructors, etc.
Above the class description, you will see a blue box labeled “Add to Cart.” Click on it.
“View Cart” appears. Click on it.
If you like, you may add another class.
Next, click on “Proceed to Checkout.”
Fill in the required information.
You will notice a box under “Additional Information.”
Write the name of your Maine senior college here.
This allows you to register without becoming a member of UMASC.
Then click on “Place Your Order.”
Finally, just ignore the page requesting payment.
For more information, call the UMASC Office: 207-621-3551 or email: office@ Emails often receive the quickest response because they are instantly distributed to the staff at home. The current UMA COVID-19 policy states: Face coverings are required in classrooms, unless waived by the instructor. All those attending classes must be fully vaccinated and boosted. You should not come to the campus if you are currently subject to quarantine or isolation per CDC guidelines. If you have attended a class in person and have tested positive for COVID-19, please contact UMA Campus Safety and Security Director Rob Marden at 621-3103. Should the Maine CDC and UMS pandemic protocols change, an update will be provided.