A Survey of Women in Hollywood--
The history of women in Hollywood seldom gets past the actresses who have graced the silver screen. And while their story is important on their own merits, women have also, since the early days, been active in producing, in studio work, in politics, and in fashioning the films we see today. Quiet on the set!
Mondays • 8 classes • 9/19-11/14 (No class 10/10) • 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Location: On Zoom and in Klahr 103 (Hybrid)
This course is also available as an in-person class on Fridays:
Fridays • 8 classes • 9/23-11/14 (Last class Monday 11/14, No class 11/11) • 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Location: Jewett 180
Class will be in Jewett 189 on 10/21, and at Klahr 103 on 11/14.
PLEASE NOTE: The last class will not be on Friday the 18th. It will be held jointly with the Monday Class on the 14th at 10:00 AM in the Klahr 103 classroom. Mike has invited a guest speaker although he has not revealed which movie star it will be.
Instructor Mike Bell loves American history! With a master’s degree in both history and teaching, and an undergrad degree in political science, he has enjoyed a varied career in teaching and historical interpretation. Mike appeared on a History Channel special about PT 109, and for over 20 years, he has portrayed many historical figures, including Butch Cassidy and Sam Houston.
How to Register for Classes
Select Dames, Divas & Dynamos: A Survey of Women in Hollywood for the Monday class.
Select Dames, Divas & Dynamos: A Survey of Women in Hollywood for the Friday class.
Above the class description, you will see a blue box labeled "Add to Cart." Click on it.
"View Cart" appears. Click on it.
If you like, you may add another class.
Next, click on "Proceed to Checkout."
Fill in the required information.
You will notice a box under "Additional Information."
Write the name of your Maine senior college here.
This allows you to register without becoming a member of UMASC.
Then click on "Place Your Order."
Finally, just ignore the page requesting payment.
For more information, call the UMASC Office: 207-621-3551 or email: office@ umasc.org. Emails often receive the quickest response because they are instantly distributed to the staff at home. The current UMA COVID-19 policy states: Face coverings are required in classrooms, unless waived by the instructor. All those attending classes must be fully vaccinated and boosted. You should not come to the campus if you are currently subject to quarantine or isolation per CDC guidelines. If you have attended a class in person and have tested positive for COVID-19, please contact UMA Campus Safety and Security Director Rob Marden at 621-3103. Should the Maine CDC and UMS pandemic protocols change, an update will be provided.