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Songs of the Salty Sea

Updated: Nov 16, 2023

January 18th - Castlebay - couple Julia Lane and Fred Gosbee.

Since 1986 Castlebay has been weaving together Maine's nautical and British Isles legacies transporting their audience through time and across the Atlantic. Julia Lane and Fred Gosbee have loved and researched traditional music for most of their lives and blend history, legend and experience into their personable performances. Finely crafted ballads with evocative imagery and beautiful melodies depict Maine characters, history, and life close to the elemental beauty of the sea and shore. Their renditions of traditional and original songs are supported with Celtic harp, 12-string guitar, fiddle & woodwinds.

The above was copied from their website.

They have published a book "Songs of Ships & Sailors"

Join Seniors Achieving Greater Education in Presque Isle for this exciting hour at Lunch and Learn to register and for more information. Pass the word, too.

Unsplash photo by Rafael Hoyos Weht

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