Tuesday, Oct. 4, 11, 18, & 25 from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Seniors Achieving Greater Education (SAGE) want to invite you to join Instructor will be Guy Gallagher. He holds a PhD in French literature from University Laval in Quebec City. He has taught French studies at UMPI, and Latin for Upward Bound and MSSM. Class will be a general overview of some of the more prominent movements in the history of Philosophy with particular emphasis on thinkers whose ideas laid the groundwork for western culture (Plato, Aristotle) and on those who have had the greatest influence on our own contemporary ways of looking at the world (Aquinas, Descartes, Sartre, et al). Our primary effort will be to solicit the thinking of students as they work to frame their own ideas about life. To register, go to Philosophers & the History of Philosophy. To view the entire Fall 2022 for SAGE, go to umpi.edu/sage.
