This is a 3-class course that examines suffrage history in Maine and nationally, as well as the Equal Rights Amendment. Lectures are accompanied by slideshows with historic photos. Suggested Text:Voting Down the Rose: Florence Brooks Whitehouse and Maine's Fight for Woman Suffrage, ISBN: 1633810119
Instructor: Anne Gass
Anne B. Gass is the author of Voting Down the Rose: Florence Brooks Whitehouse and Maine’s Fight for Woman Suffrage, published in 2014. Gass is Whitehouse’s great-granddaughter, and speaks regularly on women’s rights history. She is active in several women’s history and women’s rights groups in Maine and nationally, and serves on the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women.
3 Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. – Noon
Beginning Apr. 6, 2021
Course Limit: 25 To register, visit: https://cms.usm.maine.edu/seniorcollege